Раджив Ганди цитаты (35 цитат)
3 1
Дата рождения: 20. Август 1944
Дата смерти: 21. Май 1991
Раджи́в Ра́тна Га́нди — индийский политический деятель, премьер-министр Индии в 1984—1989 годах.
Фото: Rajiv Gandhi meeting Russian Hare Krishna devotees in New Delhi 1989.jpg: ISKCON Russia derivative work: Indopug, Rajiv Gandhi meeting Russian Hare Krishna devotees in New Delhi 1989.jpg / CC BY-SA 3.0
„Это большое счастье — родиться в Индии и быть наследником ее великой цивилизации. У нас есть многое, что нужно сохранить для нашего народа, и мы многое можем дать миру.“
— Раджив Ганди
Источник: 90 лет назад 19 ноября родилась Индира Ганди, [http://nataman.narod.ru/ http://nataman.narod.ru/pd_obrd/pd_obrd2.html,, 2010-12-19, ru]
„Индира Ганди, премьер-министр Индии, убита. Она была матерью не только для меня, но и для всех вас, мои соотечественники. Ничто так не оскорбит её душу, как акты насилия в какой-либо части страны…“
— Раджив Ганди
Источник: Гороскоп Индиры Ганди, [http://astrologica. ru/ http://astrologica.ru/article-84-38-133.html,, 2010-12-19, ru]
„Я ношу фамилию Ганди. Это обязывает.“
— Раджив Ганди
Источник: [Евгений Пахомов., №121, 25.5.2004, http://supernew.ej.ru/121/life/profile/gandi/, Отказавшаяся от рая, http://supernew.ej.ru/, 2010-12-19, ru]
„A responsive administration is tested most at the point of interface between the administration and the people.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
in February 1988, p. 28
Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi
„If my mother gets help from it, then I will enter politics.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
On being pressured to join politics to help his mother, quoted by Meena Agrawal, in «Rajiv Gandhi», p. 22.
„…I had no love for politics. I treasured the privacy of my family life. My mother respected both these sentiments. Then my brother, Sanjay was killed in the prime of his life. It broke a mother’s heart. It did not break a Prime Minister’s will. Without even a day’s break, she carried on her noble task single-minded in fulfilling her pledge to her people
There is a loneliness that only a bereaved mother can know…she called to me in her loneliness. I went to her side. At her instance, I left my love for flying at her instance I joined her as a political aide. From her I learned my first political lessons. It was she who urged me to respond to the insistent demand from the constituency and the part to take my brother’s place as Member of Parliament for Amethi. With her blessings I was made General Secretary of my party asking me to accept the challenge of stepping into her shoes.
In accepting this challenge I fulfilled a national duty and a filial duty of a son to a mother.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi (2009) http://books.google.co.in/books?id=L5bTCgLM1lYC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false, Quote 37
„It is compartmentalization of India into rigidly separated rural and urban settlements that has been the worst legacy of the colonial system of local-self government. “
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In 1989, in “Memorable Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhis from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi (2009)”, Quote 17
„The late Indira Gandhi always used to warn about the dangers that the country was facing. She used to keep saying that the country was going through a very dangerous time. This danger is now many times more than what it was at that time. We should all be cautious now.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In his address to the party workers on 12 November 1984 to spoil the machinations of terrorist, when he was elected to the post of the President of the Congress party. Quoted by Meena Agrawal in “Rajiv Gandhi” P.74
„Better a brain drain than a brain in the drain.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
Quoted in: Kishore Mahbubani, The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East https://books. google.nl/books?id=3bNEcyRxk3oC&pg=PA69&lpg=PA69&dq=charles+leadbeater++%22from+west+to+east%22&source=bl&ots=5P_cDPHVZF&sig=GfkXHeh-xNDhko5-h3NqD67zP5E&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF_afS-qzLAhXHzxQKHUcKBEoQ6AEIKDAB#v=onepage&q=brain%20drain&f=false, 2010, p. 70, and in: Mark L. Clifford, Janet Pau, Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs: Views of Asia’s Next Generation https://books.google.nl/books?id=UBSTDQ2P4G4C&pg=PA29&lpg=PA29&dq=%22+a+brain+drain+than+a+%22+gandhi&source=bl&ots=HFx1eY6xca&sig=N_OpfnYt0sTRH02YvHx_z-T3HM8&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji-en0ka7LAhUEaxQKHWf8D_gQ6AEIJDAC#v=onepage&q=%22%20a%20brain%20drain%20than%20a%20%22%20gandhi&f=false, 2012 p. 29
When asked in an interview (date unknown) whether he did not regret the fact that so many intelligent Indians left their home country to go studying in the US.
„Development is not about factories, dams and roads. Development is about people. “
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— Rajiv Gandhi
Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi
„For nation-building, the first requisite is peace— peace with our neighbours and peace in the world. Our security environment has been vitiated.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
Broadcast to the Nation, 12 November 1984
Extracts from Speeches
„A right value system must be built into our education system. We must be very clear that religion and politics must be separated and there must be a very clear definition of the difference between spirituality of the religion and its rituals and dogmas. We must be clear that secularism as we understand it is not only anti-religion or non-religion; it is only the separation of government from religion. Religion has a great role to play in the development process of our nation and we should do nothing to undermine it.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In P. 29
Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi
„Instead of understanding the crisis facing the country and helping the country, the opposition wants to weaken the country by its deeds.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In his address to the party workers on 12 November 1984 to spoil the machinations of terrorist, when he was elected to the post of the President of the Congress Party, Meena Agrawal in “Rajiv Gandhi”, P.74
„Nothing is more important than the unity and integrity of our nation. India is indivisible. Secularism is the bedrock of our nationhood. It implies more than tolerance. It involves an active effort for harmony. No religion preaches hatred and intolerance. Vested interests, both external and internal, are inciting and exploiting communal passions and violence to divide India.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
Broadcast to the Nation, 12 November 1984 note: Nothing is more important than the unity and integrity of our nation. India is indivisible. Secularism is the bedrock of our nationhood. It implies more than tolerance. It involves an active effort for harmony. No religion preaches hatred and intolerance. Vested interests, both external and internal, are inciting and exploiting communal passions and violence to divide India.
Источник: en.wikiquote.org — Rajiv Gandhi / Nothing is more important than the unity and integrity of our nation. India is indivisible. Secularism is the bedrock of our nationhood. It implies more than tolerance. It involves an active effort for harmony. No religion preaches hatred and intolerance. Vested interests, both external and internal, are inciting and exploiting communal passions and violence to divide India.
„India is an old country, but a young nation; and like the young everywhere we are impatient. I am young, and I too have a dream. I dream of an India strong, independent and self-reliant and in the front rank of the nations of the world in the service of mankind. “
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— Rajiv Gandhi
On his vision of India, in his address to the Joint meeting of the US Congress in Washington on 13 June 1985, in Emotional Impact: Passionate Leaders and Corporate Transformation (8 November 2000) http://books.google.co.in/books?id=G2QJfyzGRSIC&pg=PA97, p. 97
„The second point which must be part of the national goal, is caste less society. The constitution very clearly differentiates between Schedule Castes and Backward Classes. Why did out our Constitution makers make this distinction? They had something in their mind. Why have we lost that distinction today? I agree with you that reality is that caste accounts for a tremendous amount in this country. I do not disagree with that. But what is our goal? Is our goal a castless society? If out goal, is a casteless society, surely every step that we take must be towards that objective.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In Parliamemt in 1992, p. 31
Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi
„The fight against communal forces must be fought unitedly. We are the heirs to Panditji’s scientific outlook; and to Indiraji’s struggle against the forces of destabilization – terrorists, separatists, and communalists. We cannot fail them. Communalism must not be used as a political tool. If I may read a sentence from the secret Will of Babar to his son, Humayun: It is incumbent on thee to wipe all religious prejudices of the tablet of thy heart.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In “Memorable Quote, Memorable Quotes from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhis from Rajiv Gandhi and on Rajiv Gandhi (2009)” , Quote 41
„When a big tree falls, the earth shakes.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi, commenting on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots following the murder of Indira Gandhi, quoted in Hindustan Times
Источник: 1984 anti-Sikh riots ‘wrong’, says Rahul Gandhi, Hindustan Times, 18 November 2008, 5 May 2012, yes, https://web. archive.org/web/20131012025532/http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/India/India/Article1-352523.aspx, 12 October 2013 http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/India/India/Article1-352523.aspx,
„The terrorists are busy in and outside the country in such activities which are a danger to the unity and integrity of the country.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In his address to the party works to spoil the machinations of terrorist, when he was elected to the post of the President of the Congress party, Meena Agrawal in “Rajiv Gandhi”, p. 73
„When I was inspecting the guard of honor and as I walked past one person, I saw through the corner of my eye some movement. Then I saw a man reverse his rifle at me. I ducked down a little bit in a reflex action. By my ducking, he missed my head and the brunt of the blow came on my shoulder below the left ear.“
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— Rajiv Gandhi
In Sri Lankan in Honor Guard Attacks Gandhi (30 July 1987) http://articles. latimes.com/1987-07-30/news/mn-453_1_sri-lankan
Подобные авторы
Раджив Анчал (Rajiv Anchal) биография, фильмы, спектакли, фото
Раджив Анчал (Rajiv Anchal) биография, фильмы, спектакли, фото | Afisha.ruБиография режиссера
Rajiv Anchal
Дата рождения20.12.1956 (65 лет)
Место рожденияКерала (Индия)
Фильмов 1
Фильмы Раджива Анчала
1997, Фэнтези
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Показаны редакционные результаты для rajiv gandhi. Либер в Креативе сучен?
Премьер-министр Индии Р. Ганди ожидает Михаила Горбачева, находящегося с государственным визитом в Индии. Бхопал, Индия: Раджив Ганди сидит на трибуне во время митинга в городе Бхопал, Индия. В последнее время город был сценой для худшего … Премьер-министр Раджив Ганди во время встречи в своем офисе в Нью-Дели. Кандидат Конгресса от парламентского округа Амети, Уттар-Прадеш, Раджив Ганди во время своей первой предвыборной кампании в 1981.Премьер-министр Индии Раджив Ганди во время предвыборной кампании. Во время этого визита в Фарибадад он встретился с 1000 женщинами. | Место: Фарибадад, Индия. Бхопал, Индия: Раджив Ганди сидит на платформе во время митинга в городе Бхопал, Индия. Недавно город был сценой для худшего… Бывший премьер-министр Индии Раджив Ганди в кабине вертолета во время предвыборной кампании 1991 года.





В годовщину смерти Раджива Ганди ThePrint предлагает вам несколько фотографий бывшего премьер-министра, когда он был политиком.
Улыбающийся бывший премьер-министр Раджив Ганди демонстрирует свою коллекцию ракхи | Фото: Правин Джейн | Принт
Размер текста:
Нью-Дели: Бывший премьер-министр Индии Раджив Ганди был убит «Тиграми освобождения Тамил-Илама» (ТОТИ) 21 мая 1991 года. Его дед, Джавахарлал Неру, первый премьер-министр независимой Индии, был в тюрьме, когда он родился.
В 1984 году, после убийства своей матери, Раджив принял бразды правления Конгрессом.
В 1987 году Раджив отправил индийские миротворческие силы на Шри-Ланку, чтобы положить конец гражданской войне, и это разозлило тамильское население.
Он был убит террористкой-смертницей из ТОТИ на публичном митинге в Шриперумбудуре, штат Тамилнад, 21 мая 1991 года. политик.
На этом снимке 1991 года Раджив Ганди дремлет в самолете, летящем в Ченнаи | Фото: Правин Джейн | ThePrintРаджив Ганди сидит среди женщин, повязавших ему ракхи | Фото: Правин Джейн | ThePrint Раджив Ганди с Чандрой Шекхар, лидером партии Самаджвади Джаната, на мероприятии в Бхондси, Харьяна | Фото: Правин Джейн | Раджив Ганди беседует с доверенным лицом бывшего премьер-министра Индиры Ганди Р.
